Transport Roll Cage I Heavy duty NDM plate
I NDM spike
Radiation sign – front of vehicle
I A-frame radiation sign
Transport roll cage
The transport roll cage is designed to use with the Troxler yellow transit case, bolt holes are located in the frame to secure the yellow transit case. The three trefoil signs can be turned around when not transporting the NDM. The dimension of the trefoils are 210mm x 210mm. The arm at the back of the case can be locked with a standard padlock as added security

Heavy duty NDM plate
The NDM plate has been made from 10mm aluminium plate and is designed to take the standard Troxler drill rod or the NDM spike supplied from Complete Calibration

NDM spike
The NDM spike has been manufactured as a single cast and this has shown to extend the life of the spike, the standard Troxler extraction tool is compatible with this NDM spike.

Radiation sign – front of vehicle
The trefoil sign can be turn backwards when the vehicle is not being used to transport the Nuclear Density meter. The dimension of the trefoils are 210mm x 210mm.

A-frame radiation sign
The sign has a trefoil symbol on both sides of the sign and is used when testing in the field. The sign dimensions are 300mm x 300mm